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HomeLifestyleTechSocial media accounts you need to follow right now

Social media accounts you need to follow right now

TikTok for career advice and fitness tips? Telegram for the latest deals, and Instagram for recipes? Yes, you heard that right! We round up our favourite useful social media accounts.

Who would have thought that we would be turning to social media for job interview tips or for making tonight’s dinner? TikTok is no longer just about dance challenges or pranks. There is actually a number of content creators who are using it as a platform to share useful and practical advice across a range of subjects.

The same goes for Instagram and Telegram. Look hard enough through these social media applications and you’ll find useful channels and accounts with tips on home improvement, fitness, cooking, and even a number of career coaches giving professional advice.

Check out some of the accounts we’re following.


For quick Feng Shui tips: @dearmodern
Check out this TikTok account before you add or move any furniture in your house. Get tips on the best room layout, types of lighting fixtures, and even how to work small spaces!

Useful for Christmas gift wrapping: @effectivespaces
Level up your giftwrapping game through this account. Learn how to wrap odd-shaped items like balls and wine bottles, and pick up a tip or two on how to make bows and wrap gifts without using tape.

Advice from a career coach: @jobdoctortessa
Gain useful insights on finding a job (and keeping it). This career coach tackles common career concerns from work burn out and career growth, to tips on how to ask for a salary increment.

An Excel-lent account: @exceldictionary
There’s a reason why this account has close to 2 million followers. Here you’ll find Excel tips and tricks for every spreadsheet problem you may have.

For the entrepreneur: @digitalsamaritan
Discover design and marketing hacks from this account which is especially useful if you’re running a startup. Scroll through hundreds of tips on which apps to use and where to look for resources online.

15-sec fitness tips: @blogilates:
The certified Pilates instructor, Cassey Ho of Blogilates fame, constantly posts videos on workout routines and diets, and the occasional fitness Q&As.

Learn from a MasterChef: @cookingbomb
Check out MasterChef Vivian Aronson’s account for traditional Chinese recipes. You don’t need to be a MasterChef to keep up as her recipes are easy to follow and she even gives detailed measurements.

Discover Singapore:@deeniseglitz
Think you know every corner of Singapore? Follow this account to discover hidden food gems (and other great finds) around our Little Red Dot.

Tiny kitchen meals: @delishaas
These recipes are friendly for tiny kitchens and easy to follow for beginners. The account features mostly recipes for mains but you’ll also find snacks and desserts as you scroll through.


Your weekend plans sorted: @sgweekend
Running out of ideas of what to do with the fam this weekend? Join this channel on Telegram for the latest events and happenings in Singapore.

Find a job: @sgunitedjobs
Whether you’re a fresh graduate or someone looking for a mid-career switch, the SGUnitedJobs channel regularly pushes out the latest full- and part-time job postings in Singapore as well as the occasional career events and tips.

Real-time MRT status: @sgmrt
Get notifications on anything MRT-related — disruptions, delays and early closures. You’ll even be notified when disruptions have been cleared and regular train service has resumed.

Real-time traffic situation: @sgroadupdates
Similarly, you’ll get the latest real-time updates on the traffic situation through this channel. Be informed of road accidents and obstacles, and traffic jams.

From the Prime Minister’s Office: @leehsienloong
Yes, our own Prime Minister has his own Telegram channel run by the Prime Minister’s Office. Here you’ll get the latest political updates along with some of PM Lee’s personal selfies and reflections.

Shopaholic heaven: @goodlobang
With over 200,000 subscribers, this channel is believed to be the biggest deals channel in Singapore — and it’s easy to see why. You’ll find a variety of promotions posted here ranging from food, fashion, beauty, and even travel.


Organise like a pro: @thehomeedit
If you’re a fan of the The Home Edit on Netflix, then you’re in for a treat. Their official Instagram account is full of home organisation tips with lots of satisfying before and after reels for your inspiration.

Learn to fold anything: @thefoldinglady
As the handle suggests, this account is run by a lady who is an expert at folding. Here you’ll find tips on how to fold (and hang) anything from towels, socks, odd-shaped or long clothing items to maximise your wardrobe and drawer space.

Finance made easy: @thewokesalaryman
One of the most popular financial Instagram accounts in Singapore. The Woke Salaryman shares financial stories, tips and advice through great storytelling in understandable, layman terms that even the non-financial savvy can understand and relate to.

Sweat it out: @kayla_itsines
Kayla is the co-founder of the Sweat app who shot to fame with her popular BBG (Bikini Body Guides) workout programme. Her personal Instagram feed is full of workout demonstration videos and tutorials for people of different fitness levels, as well as tips on healthy eating.

Fitness for the guys: @dslasher
Get fitness insights from Darren Stephen Lim, health and wellness coach and founder of local gym, D’Fitness. His workouts are anything but boring and you can see them on his Instagram feed which is full of fun routines for every fitness level.

If your kids are picky eaters: @kids.eat.in.color
If you’re worried about your kid’s nutrition, pick up some tips from this Instagram account run by a registered dietitian. She shares pointers on how to get your kiddos to eat their greens and ideas on how to make mealtimes fun (and nutritious).

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